Afghanistan-2 Abandonment. The Afghan people have been for twenty years living under threats, intervention, domination, oppression, because of the dominating power of arms.


Afghanistan-2 Abandonment.

The Afghan people have been for twenty years living under threats, intervention, domination, oppression, because of the dominating power of arms.

Part of this population served the rulers and are now persecuted, killed and those who survive have to leave the country.

They are two different cultures.

One that calls itself democracy where the right is for everyone.

Another culture says that only by rules and procedures is it possible to live together peacefully.


When a nation is under intervention it is necessary to be cautious because when intervention is no longer necessary the intervener takes her troops and leaves without thinking about the consequences.

Think about it.

The return of the former rulers to power will certainly use an iron hand on everyone for the evils that the interventor has wrought on everyone.

The people need to be aware that what they call peace is illusory.

Because in fact, at every moment there will be a confrontation with the invading forces and generally the ones who die most are civilians.


If your nation is under intervention, be cautious.

Intelligence and intelligence agencies are watching everything and everyone.

Avoid contact with the attacker.

Work, have a bank account abroad.

Always keep your passport up to date.

Make contacts with international humanitarian agencies.

Remember if:

When there is no more interest, the invader leaves leaving chaos and terror over the population.

Learn to determine.

By determination you dominate your thoughts generating new perspectives on life.

 Focus your mind on a single target until it becomes real in your life.

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